Thursday, August 30, 2012

Trip to Apple Store MY NEW MACBOOK PRO 15 inch SO AWESOME!!!

Hello Everyone! Great news! I finally upgraded my technology department....Yeah I said technology department! So what if it just means 2 computer2, computer speakers, mouse, and power cords.....and uh just me....I like to think of myself as a huge corporation with many different departments....ha ha...And no, I don't have a big head.

Anyway, I just upgraded to a Macbook Pro 15 inch! Its so awesome compared to my Macbook 13in with Tiger Operating system on it.  I can do so many more things and I am finally updated at least for the next 30 days until the technology changes again!

This Macbook Pro 15 inch has the i7 processor with 500GB of Ram and I got to download MOUNTAIN LION FOR FREE! Yep, I was able to save the 19.99 for a rainy day. Probably for downloading KEYNOTE. I hear and see its a pretty cool program that you can do a lot more things than just presentations with.  Or I might buy LIGHTROOM or APERATURE. Not sure which one yet.  I need to read some reviews on Lightroom vs Aperature. I am not sure which one is better.

So check out my video of me unboxing and starting it up! Pretty cool! Apple products are so cool!

This is usually where I say..."get better everyday" but for this post I am going to say..."Upgrade and get better stuff everyday or at least every 30 days!"

I'll see you later!


Youtube Channel:
Instagram: therykerdane

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been writing much lately....You know how it is when life pulls you in a million and 1 directions.  Well anyway I have to find time and make sure that I get a blog out to you 13 readers. Because if I don't there is going to be like 12 people mad because I don't think my brother cares if I post or not..ha ha

So I wanted to give you a great exercise on an Core Exercise that really focuses on your obliques. They really get a great burn and will get shredded if you are performing them correctly.  You will need a cable machine for this exercise or you can use resistance bands as well.  If you use resistance bands, then you will have to attach them to a post or something to allow proper resistance.

In this exercise I am using a non adjustable machine which is ok, but it is nicer to have an adjustable so you can adjust your heights and the angle of the movement.  If you watch the video you will see the rotational twist movement will start from the ground and up, and also doing it from the top down to the ground.

You do not need that much weight to get a great burn and complete at least 2 sets of 15 reps on each side. Increase your sets and then increase your weight once you get stronger at it.

Get better every day!

I'll see you later!


Youtube Channel:
Instagram: therykerdane

Monday, August 6, 2012


I have a great new exercise for all the athletes out there, or non athletes, or wannabee athletes or whatever you may be. If you want to Prehab (prepare) or Rehab (repair) your shoulder or shoulders, these are great exercises to do!  You may have seen a couple of these movements before but they are great for keeping those shoulder muscles strong and tight to surround that shoulder capsule.

Many people just working their everyday jobs or athletes that constantly use their shoulder in a repetive movement are prone to overuse injuries.  And then what happens? They can't work or practice and play.  The YTWL exercises are great to keep your shoulders healthy!

Start out using no weight and then increase 5 pounds until you find the correct weight to use. But you will find out right away that you do not need that much weight when performing 15-30 reps. You will feel a huge burn in your shoulders and will want to quit after the first round.

Complete at least 2 sets of each movement 15 repetitions. Then work your way up in reps, sets and weight. Use that order so you progress and your technique is sound before increasing weight. You do not want to get a muscle strain or push it too fast especially if you are coming off an injury.

If you are coming off an injury and using this for Rehab, make sure you ICE your shoulders after. ICE will be your best friend in repairing muscle tissue from being inflamed.  Check out the vid and I hope it helps you out!

Get better everyday!

I'll See you later!
